Updated August 19th, 2020
The Ontario Opticians Association (OOA), along with our partner, the Opticians Association of Canada (OAC), have received communications from concerned opticianry program students regarding whether the NACOR exams will be going ahead in the fall. Checking the NACOR website, at the top of the Exam Dates page, there is a notation that the Spring 2020 exams have been postponed and that alternative dates for fall 2020 would be announced once the restrictions due to COVID-19 are lifted. In the exam date section of the page it is noted that there is an exam to be held at a location TBD from October 23-25. The French exam, to be held at Collège La Cité in Ottawa on September 25-27, has been postponed.
The OOA wrote to the College of Opticians of Ontario (COO) seeking clarification of the status of the Georgian Fall exams. Fazal Khan, registrar, replied in a letter confirming that at this time the exams are not cancelled. Fazal did explain that Georgian College has suspended all external conferences and events until 2021. He went on to say that the COO was exploring alternative options for the exams taking into consideration COVID-19 pandemic guidelines and best practices. The COO will be announcing more information and dates as they become available.
The College is committed to expending all best efforts to host a fall session of the registration
exams. At present, the exam session has NOT been cancelled, however, the dates are yet to be announced.
Fazal Khan, Registrar, College of Opticians of Ontario, 7/17/2020
With all the uncertainty due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it is understandable that concerns about exam dates can circulate. We thank the students that brought these concerns to our attention and invite all students to reach out whenever they are uncertain about information they are hearing. We are here for all of our student members. And don’t forget, students receive free membership in the Ontario Opticians Association and the Opticians Association of Canada.
To see our correspondences see the PDFs Below.
See the original NACOR posting here: https://nacor.ca/ (English)
