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Dispensing During the Second Wave

As of Monday November 23rd, Toronto and Peel regions have been moved into the Grey "Lockdown" level. Many regions have been slowly edging towards lockdown as well.

The second wave is now in full force and with many business needing to shutter their doors for the time being, Opticians in Ontario have been wondering if they will need to as well.

On November 23rd, the College of Opticians of Ontario released a statement regarding what Opticians are to do if the region we live in locks down again.

"As you are aware from our bulletin on Friday, the Ontario Government has implemented lockdown measures for Toronto and Peel effective today and for the next 28 days.
The College has now received confirmation from the Ministry of Health Emergency Operations Centre that health services may remain open in these zones during the lockdown period. As previously communicated, opticians should continue to adhere to the Return to Practice Guidelines, including taking steps to ensure health and safety in the practice environment.
The College continues to monitor the situation and will provide updates as additional information becomes available to us."

Opticians are the frontline of vision care, and we are pleased to say that the Ministry of Health agrees.

Vision is essential.

We all need to focus on providing the safest experience for our patients during this time.

Please take the time to read the updated "Return to Practice Guidelines" to ensure that your practice is fully prepared to safely dispense during the second wave.

You can find all of the Ontario Opticians Association COVID-19 resources in the Member's Portal.

We will be continuing to update our lists of PPE, Hand Sanitizers and other COVID-19 related suppliers frequently.


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