Some time ago the federal government announced "CEWS", but the program wasn't passed by Parliament until April 20. The CRA portal will open for applications on Monday, April 27. The portal can be accessed through: The calculations to determine eligibility and the amount of the subsidy for each applicant are available through the portal. Health care clinics/practices that are incorporated, or are partnerships, including sole proprietorship, are eligible to apply. The federal government has indicated that funding will flow starting May 5.
This is the program by which the federal government will provide a 75% wage subsidy, to a maximum of $847 per week per employee, with no limit on the number of employees. Employers must demonstrate that their revenues have declined at least 30% month-over-month (15% for March) compared to the same month in 2019.
This is in addition to the Temporary Wage Subsidy that provides employers with a 10% temporary wage subsidy for a three-month period up to $25,000 in total. The TWS is administered through the current payroll remittance system.
